In the past few months Ive had dear friends of mine experience the loss of their fathers and just today someones mother. Ive grieved...and found my heart comming alive in the midst of it! Strange? Ive realized our hope is in one thing. A man who is alive. He conquered death and tasted our punishment for us so we could have life forever. Because He lives we live. He doesnt desire that any would perish, but that all would come to an understanding of the knowledge that He is God and to come into the fullness of joy of knowing Him. We are not like those who don't have hope! We will never die. This is why Im happy. We will never die.
I can look death in the eye and say, death has no sting. My heart which was once dead in my sins, is now alive with the flame of God. He lives and breathes in me and though once I would despair...I find a growing joy deep inside welling up and filling me to the brim. I can only find peace in saying, come Lord Jesus, come back. You bring restoration to my soul. You make all things new. You will wipe away every tear, in that day when you return to earth and reign as king on earth, there will be no more tears, no more pain, no more crying, no more death.