I cleaned out our toy chest today. Now it's so orderly and only full of things we actually use. I do believe the less things that you have makes you take care of them. I want to teach Eden that to live simply is worth it. Order in the home and having a place for everything is my goal. I haven't reached it yet.
Today I took her to Blanc burger, my fave place for gourmet afordable food. We had a little lunch date, it was so fun. I was nervous at first because it took 30 min. for the food to come out and I didnt know how long she'd last. But, it was worth it because they gave her this drink out of a squirt bottle shaped like an animal. It entertained us the whole time. Plus a cap to the drink. And a straw. Simple. I saw people from other tables watching us to see how'd she'd react. The only hiccup was when Eden bit down on the cap real hard, and it flew across the room and almost hit a woman! Thankfully it hit her leg, and she was so wrapped up in her conversation she didnt notice. Big sigh of relief. To end the meal, my very well mannered toddler took the dipping sauce (yogurt somthing)from her fruit tray and clasped it with both hands to drink it down. And drink it down she did.

Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
remember the memory game?
I had a bunch of happy baby frozen meals on hand the other day. As I was about to throw them in the recycling box, I had an idea to use the pictures on the box to make a game. It took about 5 seconds. My husband and I played a few rounds and got so competitive, it was entertaining.
And if you're going to make a game, might as well make somthing to put it in so it doesn't get lost. Although it probably will. At least you found your creative outlet doing it and made somthing cute during naptime. Sigh of relief. Now to change a poopey diaper!
Friday, September 24, 2010
day in the backyard
What a beautiful day! I thought it appropriate to play outside and get some fresh air. We've been cooped up inside lately since the weather has been so atrociously hot and miserable. It's amazing how refreshed and energized pulling weeds and mowing the grass can make you feel. There was a cool breeze and the sun was shining, birds were singing, butterflies flying around us as we played outside and kicked the soccer ball around. Almost one of those surreal days you want to push the pause button on. And who can resist a game of hide and seek with a toddler?
Lately we've been having so much fun with peg people. They're cheap, easy to paint, and throw a paper mache house in to make a complete set. It entertains us for a long time. Also, some slate boards and chalk help pass the time. It reminds me of playing pioneer school as a child. My husbands kids that I play with Edens toys more than she does. Then I found my little girl sitting and quietly reading in the corner of our music/office/sewing/library room. Yeah, I know!! Maybe playing so hard outside made her want to have quiet time. By the way, the blue walls? they were like that when we moved in and it needs some new paint. Anyhow, just a peak into our day. Have a lovely fall weekend.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Here is her desk and chair in the living room. We picked leaves and pinecones from our walk in the park and they are on display here for autumn. (but they often end up other places!) My favorite vintage phone! We play with that quite a bit. Eden likes to sit here and talk to herself in the mirror. Full ongoing conversations. Too cute.
Heres a quick tour of edens halfway finished room. I have the before and after pictures, I sort of miss how bold and colorful it was, but it was too dark. I like the simplicity of white and variety of colors I can use now. One wall is completed so thats the wall I'll share. The embroidered bird and leaves pillow was made by my grandma Dorothy Hoak and I worked on the other half to complete it. Its the most special handmade thing in her room! The green fabric in frame was made from a table mat from anthropologie. The frame was on the side of the road and I painted it. The wall decal is from the land of nod, and E and bird house is from a craft store. I found a pinecone and random crate from around the house. The fabric birds were from a pattern online (from sewliberated.typepad.com and spool)and branch from our tree.
Friday, September 10, 2010
kitchen play
Another inspiration of mine? Kitchen play. Let me re-phrase that. Kitchen play with wooden utensils. Simplified version. I found an old bathroom shelf and converted it into edens new kitchen. I found a bookshelf and kitchen shelf at a garage sale for under $10. I would love to cut a round hole in it to put a metal bowl in for a sink, but it will have to do for now. I love playing in it with her! And to complete the set, today we were given 2 new vintage style children's aprons! What a gift! I love these. They have so much character, color, and are exactly what I've dreamed of giving eden. I'm sure they re-make these somewhere and sell them for a fortune.
Eden is so fun to play with. She always shares the felt food I made for her. My generous toddler...and she sticks things up my nose. It makes us laugh every time.
daily rhythm
Rhythm. An interesting word. I've learned I'm a random personality, the opposite of my husband, the analytical personality. You can imagine my idea of a schedule or daily rhythm. I don't plan as well as I should. For instance, my husband calling me from work, "So, what's the plan for dinner? Silence. Do you have anything planned...I mean, you're planning, right?" Of course, I always manage to get a hot meal on the table in time, but I do wait til the last minute. Until recently, my thrifty and incredibly wise husband suggested I plan the meals throughout the week, (I had gotten off track) and make a list so I cut down on trips to the store and stick to our budget. It's working great. Until I find a project like painting my daughters room light green to make it more sunny feeling. Or making an art project, handmade somthing that will absolutely have to be done immediatley because it's going to consume me til its done. It's priority. Mhmm. Over let's say, dishes, or making that important phone call or setting up an appointment. I make a list, then throw it out the window at the last minute. Hopeless? Not entirely. Random. So, that brings me full circle to rhythm. Rhythm in the home for my toddler. We have our routine and this week I've made it more detailed. Each morning we wake, eat breakfast, I clean up dishes while she finishes, then we play. Then she naps. I've designated Tues as creative day where we finger paint and create art. Wednsdays are busy for me so we make it a reading day/snuggle on the couch look at books day. Or visit the library. Thursday is focused on worship. We dance and sing. And Friday is our outing day in the great outdoors enjoying nature and sunshine. This is just a rough outline for the main activity for the day. Then the same routine for dinner and after dinner we clean up the toys, put on pajamas, brush teeth, read a book together/pray and put her to bed. She thrives on routine! It'll be fun to see if she remembers what days are for what. What are your routines?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
she digs indian food...
Some would say were crazy. We decided to be adventurous and continue to take our toddler out to eat with us to try new things. We love indian food, so why not let her see if she does too? Oh boy, does she love it. We have evidence, and after begging for forgiveness from the restaurant employees for the rice on the floor, ceiling, chairs....we walked out with big grins on our faces. The night was a success.
Friday, September 3, 2010

Lately I've been inspired by so many (too many to count!) projects online. This particular one I can't wait to make for edens room. Im going to paint her room a sunny light green and then add a branch with these birds on it. I found an old bird cage that Ill spray paint white and hang somewhere or prop on a dresser. I dont know why but Ive been in the nesting mood latley! I want to paint a wall with chalkboard paint so I can encourage Eden to draw and write...and I can pretend Im teaching her in the classroom of our living room. Today I found a great white vintage style phone that she's loved playing with, Ill show you a picture in the next post. Be inspired!
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