Flowers are dear to my heart. Somehow it got passed down to Eden, for even she will daily walk to my pot of flowers, touch them, pick one and drink it in deeply exclaiming, "Mmm!" at the same time. I dont know how she knows. Maybe she's seen me do this ritual before? Anyhow, we love flowers. This summer was blistering hot and sadly, I didnt make it out as faithfully as I dreamed I would. The flowers were neglected and they died. (spring flowers are expected to)I cant tell you how sad it was! There they were, pitiful and brown just begging to be uprooted. I didnt have the heart to uproot them. Now, its October and begining last month they started waking up and comming to life again. The fall rains and crisp cool air have jumpstarted them and they look pretty nice! Eden and I are back to our admiring again.
It got me thinking about Matthew 12:20, "a bruised reed He will not break and a dying flame He will not quench..." Jesus loves mercy! Lately, I've felt like my heart has been in a drought season. Dead. Brown. No rivers of water to refresh and seemingly no fruit or beautiful blooms comming from my life. But wait, maybe just a season? Its a new season! The rains are here, and I actually feel refreshed. The bible is interesting again. The simple Truths are rocking my world. The man Jesus is a real man to me again, speaking to me. Changing me. He's alive and He won't uproot us. He wants us to be flourishing more than we do. He's our biggest fan, our heavenly champion. He won't give up. He'll pursue and chase us down. He'll ambush us over and over till we are so confident in His love we want to explode with JOY. If you feel like nobody understands you, there is a God-Man who is breathing right now, in heaven with a human ressurected body whose lungs are rising and falling just like yours are; this very moment, who is deeply committed to you. He knows you completely. You move His heart. The creator who spoke the world into existence is moved by you. He has great joy in loving you. (its not an obligation)
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