Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I stumbled across this "the days' draft" clip board, and I'm thrilled excited about it! This is so helpful for someone with a fly by the seat of their pants personality. I love structure and organization...but to be consistent with it is difficult. I can organize, clean and get  loads done, just not manage my time well and find at the end of the day, "Yeah, wait a minute....who IS making dinner?" rings in our house.
Heres the link to the daily organizer. One of my goals will be to try to do the same thing at the same time each day and see how it makes my life easier! Im a sucker for routine...of course there is always grace to lay down the schedule for NOW moments. Life happens. Babies fuss, toddlers destroy, they cling to your leg demanding your full attention, you put down what your doing to give them your full attention, dogs have accidents, other things ruin those planned out moments...but its nice to have somthing to fall back on, right? Lets see how it goes. As I commune with His Spirit that gives the fullness of life and joy, may I find Him with me in everything that I do. As little as it is. An offering, still.

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