If anyone else has a busy 2 almost 3 year old who constantly needs activities and things to do this was a success for us. Eden has a thing for exploring (should I thank Dora? probably not.) and binoculars, magnifying glasses and maps are her thing. I thought it might be interesting to surprise her this morning with a map (not very pretty, I could have taken the time to use a brown paper bag but used the first thing I saw) and drew a course through our backyard. Once she followed the main clues, ex. past the flower garden, by the small tree, around the big tree etc. she was led to her "treasure". I hid her lunchbox full of cookies I made the night before. I asked her at the end if she had fun and loved her response. I told her that life is a treasure hunt for Jesus and He is the hidden treasure. You have to search for Him with all your heart and not give up no matter how long or hard it is. Sometimes you'll find Him easier than other times, but sometimes He hides Himself. When that happens, dont give up! He loves it when we want Him!
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