Tonight on a whim I whipped up an advent calendar. I used some white mini envelopes as a template to make some brown paper sack ones from my recycling bin. (only because I ran out of white, and honestly needed whatever was laying around the house) I added random buttons I found laying around. For each day, I may sneak in an andes mint or somthing sweet along with who Jesus is. For the entire month, I want to focus on the person Jesus and His characer. Then turning it into a mini devotional. For example, "Immanuel, Prince of Peace, Everlasting God, Saviour, Bridegroom, Judge, King of Kings..." Short but sweet. This mornings devo was so simple, but Eden loved it!
Me: Immanuel, why is God called God with us? We were separated from Him when man sinned and heaven was closed to man. God came as Jesus, as a baby who grew to be a man and since He was blameless He took on our sins and exchanged His life for ours. He opened heaven that was once closed, and put His Holy Spirit in us who believe, love and follow Jesus with all our hearts, minds and lives. God is now with us!
So simple! but the gospel 101.
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