A few days ago I was flipping through the book of Isaiah, and dang. I found myself remembering a mother challenging her kids to write down the prophesies of Jesus in the OT and then finding how He fulfilled them. I just began in Isaiah, because it is packed full of them. There are tons of endtime prophesies aswell but I had to leave those behind since they are yet to be fulfilled. (exciting and terrible)Let me tell you ... if you are having a blah, can't get past your own yuck, I suck kinda day, read through Isaiah or any OT book and search for Jesus. You will most definetly find Him woven through the pages screaming Here I am! For instance, my heart literally pounds out of my chest when I read, "Come near me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the begining. From the time that it was, I was there. And now the Lord God and His Spirit have sent Me." (48:16) or "Listen oh coastlands, to Me and take heed, you people from afar. The Lord has called me from the womb. From the matrix of my mother He has made mention of my name. And He has made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He has hidden me." (49:1) and others proclaiming "Behold, I myself will give you a sign, the virgin shall concieve and bear a son and call His name Immanuel."
Now how can you stay cranky (because I managed to before doing this) while reading these!? It's a sure way to feel the vehement desire that God has for you! His Zeal performed this. He had your name in mind when He purposed it since the begining of time. The Christmas season is personal. The Father gave us His Son as a gift and we will be given as a blameless bride as a gift to His Son. The Holy God came to be born in a dirty manger, and the same Holy God wants to be born and live in my dirty heart. May I be transformed in His image day by day! Come Lord Jesus come! We miss you and we love you. We want you to come back.
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