Friday, April 9, 2010

significant in eternity

This week has been difficult. Eden's teething and I hardly recognize the child. The sweet, gentle, joyful child has been replaced by a cranky, and irritable child. My patience has been tried. Let me tell you, lack of sleep is such a way to reveal who you really are deep down under the surface. If you want to see the real me, see me when I havent slept and Im exhausted...and you will see brokenness and weakness. I have such a need for the Lord to forgive me and set me free!
I did find hope in the fact that what I do throughout my day, whether its dishes, or laundry or groceries...the only things that matter are the things that matter for eternity. The Lord measures greatness in meekness, love, laying down our life for another, humility. etc. I like to have a clean house at the end of the day (it speaks volumes to my husband, who feels supported) but if I have a clean house and a dirty heart I've missed it. I want a clean heart at the end of the day. I want to pour my delight and affection into my child and spend time with her. Just enjoying her for who she is and not what she can do for me. Even if were both cranky. If we feel loved and enjoyed by God. We win.