Saturday, January 15, 2011


When asking for a verse for this year I couldn't get past a verse in my daily reading in 2 Thes. 3:5. "Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ." I have wanted so many other verses for this year that seem beautiful or appealing to me. This is definetly what the Holy Spirit is saying to my heart.
The past month or so I've felt ... stuck and foggy. It's been difficult to press through and to feel the presence of God. It's been dry in the word. I've been irritable, mean to my most loved ones, and stuck in selfishness. I suppose it doesn't help being home with me all day. Thank God for eden who keeps me on my toes and falling in love with her beautiful vibrant spirit. But I truly need my heart to be redirected into the love of God. Simple as that. So much deeper than that.
And into the patience of Christ. Ohh buddy. As I'm trying to pray through eden being patient in the little things like waiting for me to fill her juice cup or put food on her plate, in the meantime I'm losing my patience over her losing her patience! Who does she learn it from?
All that to say, I want the evidence of the fruits of the Spirit. In my life, in my daughter's life. To know the riches of His love in the deepest part of me, and to be transformed to a person. Who is longsuffering. Patient. Kind. I want to look like Him. I want to be joyful in serving my family. In scrubbing the floors, in washing poop diapers, and being unthanked. To be the servant of all. That my life would testify that I will deny myself to glorify Jesus. That He is beautiful, radiant, and an all consuming lover and totally worth hating the fleeting things of this world and turning away just to know Him. Knowing Him is the greatest pursuit of my life. He is the most glorified when I am satisfied in Him. -John Piper

1 comment:

  1. Her hair is getting so long! How do you take such good pics?
